Imagine you have a big toy box, and inside that toy box, you have different toys. Just like that, there are different kinds of movies, each having its unique features, style, and theme. We call these different types of movies a "film genre."
Suppose your toy box has different sections where you keep your LEGO blocks separate from your Barbie dolls. In that case, similarly, we group movies into different genres based on their story, characters, and setting. Some of the most common film genres are action, comedy, horror, fantasy, and drama.
So when you watch a movie, you might notice that some movies are funny, and some are scary. Some movies are full of action, and some have a lot of romance. That's because each movie belongs to a different genre, which defines what the story is about, how it plays out, and how it makes you feel.
In summary, film genre is a way to categorize movies by common themes, storylines, and features that help us understand what we can expect from a particular type of movie. Just like how your toy box has different sections for different toys, we have different genres for different types of movies.