ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Film production

Okay kiddo, have you ever watched a movie or a TV show and wondered how it was made? Well, it all starts with an idea or a story. Just like when you play pretend with your friends and make up a story, filmmakers do the same thing.

After they have a good story, they need to turn it into a script. A script is like a really long storybook with words that actors will use to tell the story on camera.

Next, they need to think about who will be in the story. These are called actors. They play the characters in the story. The actors audition for the parts, kind of like how you try out for the lead in your school play. Once they choose the actors, they start getting ready to shoot.

When they are ready to shoot, they go to different locations where they will film the scenes. Sometimes they build a fake city or a fake room called a set, and other times they actually go outside in the real world to places like parks and streets.

Now for the fun part! They get to start shooting. This means they turn on the camera and start filming the actors saying their lines and acting out the story.

After they have recorded all the scenes they need, they start editing. Editing is like putting together a puzzle. They take all the film they shot and put it in order so that it tells the story they want to tell. They also add music and special effects to make it more interesting.

And that's how a movie or TV show is made, from idea to screen. It takes a lot of hard work and creative thinking!