Film restoration is like fixing a really old toy that you found in the attic. A film is like a movie that was made a long, long time ago. But sometimes, the movie gets old and the colors aren't as bright and the sound isn't as clear.
So film restoration is when someone takes the old movie and cleans it up so that it looks and sounds new again. They will fix the colors and make the sound better. They might even add in things that were missing before, like parts of the movie that were cut out.
It's kind of like how you might clean up your room when it gets really messy. You sort through your things, throw away the things you don't need, and put the rest in the right place. That's what people do when they restore a film—they sort through the old movie, throw away the parts that are too damaged to save, and then fix the rest so that it looks and sounds great again.
Film restoration is important because it helps us keep old movies alive. We can watch these movies from a long time ago and learn about what life was like back then. Plus, we get to see how people made movies a long time ago and compare it to how movies are made now.