Filmmaking is when you use a camera to make a movie. You know how you use your phone or tablet to take videos of your family, friends or pets? Well, making a movie is like doing that, but instead of just filming one thing, you film a lot of different things to tell a story.
When you have an idea for a movie, you need to come up with a plan. You decide what will happen in the movie and what the characters will say and do. This plan is called a screenplay. A lot of people work together to make a movie like the director, the camera person, and the actors.
When you start filming, you use a camera to record the things that the actors do and say. Sometime you might have to film the same thing again and again until it's perfect. This is called a "take".
After filming, the next step is called editing. This is like putting puzzle pieces together to make a complete picture. The editor takes all the different things that were filmed and puts them in the right order to tell the story. They also add music and sound effects to make it more exciting or scary.
Finally, the movie is ready to be watched. It might be shown in a movie theater, on TV or online. When you watch a movie, you can see and hear what the characters are doing and you can follow their story. And that, my dear child, is what filmmaking is all about.