ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Financial market

Imagine you have a toy that you want to sell, but you don’t know who wants to buy it. You could ask all of your friends if they’re interested, but that could take a long time to find someone who wants it. Instead, you decide to go to the playground and see if any of the other kids there want to buy your toy.

This is kind of like how the financial market works. There are lots of different people and companies who want to sell things (like stocks or bonds) and lots of other people and companies who want to buy things. They can’t all talk to each other, so they go to a special place called the financial market.

The financial market is like a big playground where buyers and sellers can come together to trade things like stocks, bonds, and other investments. People who want to buy something put in a bid, which is how much they’re willing to pay for it. People who want to sell something put in an ask, which is how much they want to sell it for.

When a buyer and seller agree on a price, they make a trade. This is like if you found someone on the playground who wanted to buy your toy for the price you wanted to sell it for. You would give them the toy, and they would give you the money.

The financial market is important because it helps companies and other organizations raise money to grow and expand. For example, if a company wants to build a new factory, it might sell stocks to investors on the financial market to raise the money it needs.

But the financial market can be risky, too. If you sell something for too little, you might lose money. If you buy something for too much, you might not be able to sell it for enough to make a profit. That’s why it’s important to be careful and do your research before you buy or sell anything on the financial market.