ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Fingerspitzengefühl is a German word that means having a good sense of what is going on around you and being able to react to it very quickly.

Imagine you are playing a game where you have to catch a ball that someone is throwing to you. You need to be able to see where the ball is coming from, watch its direction, and move your body quickly to catch it. Fingerspitzengefühl is kind of like this - it's being able to sense things around you and react quickly without even thinking about it.

Another way to think about it is like being a ninja. A ninja is very quick and sneaky, and can sense when danger is coming. They can move very quietly and quickly to avoid the danger, or to attack if they need to. That's kind of what fingerspitzengefühl is - being in tune with your environment and being able to act quickly and wisely.