ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Finnish sauna

Okay kiddo, so a Finnish sauna is a really hot, steamy room that people go into to sweat and relax. It's a really old tradition in Finland, which is a country far away in Europe where it gets really cold in the winter.

So, first you need to find a sauna. It might be in a public place like a gym or a spa, or it might be in someone's house. When you get there, you'll need to take off your clothes and put on a towel or robe. It's important to shower before going into the sauna to make sure you're clean.

Next, you'll go into the sauna room which is usually made of wood and has benches or seats inside. There will be very hot rocks called "kiuas" in the middle of the room that are heated up by a special stove. The temperature inside the sauna can get up to 90 degrees Celsius, which is super hot!

Once inside, you'll start sweating a lot because of the heat. Some people like to add water to the rocks to create more steam, which makes it even hotter and more humid. You can sit on the benches and relax or you can move around to different levels to find a spot that's comfortable.

After a while, you might start to feel really hot and maybe a little dizzy. That's totally normal and it's important to listen to your body and take a break if you need to. You can go outside for some fresh air or take a cool shower to cool down.

People in Finland love saunas and they use them all the time for relaxation, socializing, and even for their health. It's a really unique and special tradition that has been around for hundreds of years.