ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fire prevention

Fire prevention is all about keeping things safe and making sure that fires don't start in the first place. Let's talk about some things we can do to prevent fires from happening.

First, we need to make sure that we don't play with fire or anything that can cause a fire. That means we should never play with matches, lighters, or candles. If we see someone doing this, we need to tell an adult right away.

Second, we need to be careful when we're cooking. Cooking can be fun, but it's also a time when a lot of fires start. We need to make sure that we stay near the stove while we're cooking and we need to make sure that nothing nearby can catch on fire. That means we need to keep things like towels and paper away from the stove.

Third, we need to make sure that we don't overload outlets with too many things plugged in. If we have too many things plugged in at once, it can cause a fire. We also need to make sure that we don't put anything too close to heaters, because that can cause a fire too.

Fourth, we need to have smoke detectors in our homes. Smoke detectors let us know when there is smoke in the air, which means that there might be a fire. We need to make sure that we test our smoke detectors every month to make sure they are working properly.

Finally, we need to have a plan in case there is a fire. We need to know how to get out of our house quickly and safely if there is a fire. We also need to make sure that our families have a meeting place outside so that we know that everyone is safe.

Remember, the best way to prevent fires is to be careful and smart.