ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

First-hitting-time model

Okay, imagine you're playing a game with your friends. You have to wait for a ball to fall from the sky, and as soon as it hits the ground, you have to run and grab it.

Now, the first-hitting-time model is like a game where we're trying to predict how long it will take for someone to grab that ball. We know that the ball falls from the sky at a random time, but we want to figure out the average or expected time it will take for someone to grab the ball.

To do this, we use something called a probability distribution. Basically, a probability distribution tells us how likely it is for the ball to fall at any given moment. For example, it might be more likely for the ball to fall at 3 seconds after we start the game than it is for it to fall at 10 seconds.

Using this probability distribution, we can calculate something called the expected hitting time, which is the average amount of time it takes for someone to grab the ball. This can help us plan and strategize for the next game.

So, in short, the first-hitting-time model is a way to predict how long it will take for something to happen based on the probability of it happening at any given moment. And we use it to plan and strategize for different scenarios.
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