ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fisheries acoustics

Fisheries acoustics is a way that scientists and fishermen can use sound to find fish swimming in the ocean.

Imagine you are in a swimming pool and someone else is in the pool with you. You can hear each other talk because sound travels through water. This is the same for fish in the ocean, they can hear and use sound to communicate with each other.

Scientists use special equipment, called acoustics, to make a sound in the ocean and listen for the echo that bounces back. This echo can tell them how many fish are in the area and how big they are.

Think of it like a game of hide and seek. The scientist is trying to find the fish hiding in the ocean. They use their acoustics to shout out a signal (the sound) to find the fish. When the signal bounces back, they can tell where the fish are and how many there are.

This is important for fishermen because they want to catch enough fish to make a living, but they also want to make sure they are not taking too many fish from the ocean. Fisheries acoustics helps fishermen know where the fish are and how many they can catch without harming the population.

Overall, fisheries acoustics is a way for scientists and fishermen to work together to find and protect fish in the ocean using sound.
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