ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fishing industry in Russia

Okay kiddo, today we're going to learn about the fishing industry in Russia. You know how we go to the store to buy fish? Well, Russia has a lot of fish in their oceans and rivers, and they catch them to sell to people like us.

First, let's talk about where Russia gets their fish. There are two main places: the Atlantic Ocean and the Caspian Sea. The Atlantic Ocean is a really big ocean that borders Europe and America, and the Caspian Sea is a big lake that's between Europe and Asia.

Now, let's talk about how they catch the fish. Just like how we use a fishing pole to catch a fish, Russian fishermen use nets to catch a lot of fish at once. They have really big boats that they take out into the water, and they drop the nets into the ocean or river. The nets catch all the fish swimming around, and then they bring them back to land.

Next, the fish get sold to different places. Some of them are sold to people in Russia so they can eat them at home, and some of them are sold to other countries like China or Japan. When the fish are sold, they get put into big trucks that drive them to different places.

Finally, let's talk about why the fishing industry is important in Russia. Fishing provides jobs for a lot of people in Russia, and it's also a big source of food and money for the country. People all over the world like to eat fish, so Russia sells a lot of fish to other countries. Without the fishing industry, Russia wouldn't have as much food or money, and a lot of people wouldn't have jobs.

So that's the fishing industry in Russia, kiddo. They catch fish in big nets, sell them to different places, and it's really important for the country. Now let's go get some fish at the store!