ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fleet Electronic Warfare Center (FEWC)

Okay kiddo, so the Fleet Electronic Warfare Center (FEWC) is like a special clubhouse that belongs to the United States Navy.

Inside this clubhouse, there are really smart sailors and engineers who work together to make sure all of the Navy's electronic equipment is working the way it should.

Now, electronic equipment means all the cool gadgets and machines that use electricity to work - like radios, computers, and even the stuff that helps guide the Navy's ships and planes.

But sometimes, there are bad guys who want to mess with the Navy's electronic stuff and make it not work right. They might use something called electronic warfare, which means they try to mess with the Navy's electronic equipment using sneaky tricks.

That's why the people in the FEWC work really hard to figure out what these bad guys might do, and then they come up with ways to protect the Navy's electronic equipment from these tricks. They do tests and experiments to see how different electronic equipment might react to different situations, and then they use that information to make things better.

So, in summary, the Fleet Electronic Warfare Center is like a special clubhouse where really smart Navy guys work really hard to keep all of the Navy's cool electronic equipment working right, even when bad guys try to mess with it using electronic warfare.