ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Floating sheerleg

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a really big toy crane that you can use to lift heavy things. But this crane is so big that it can't just sit on the ground like your other toys, it needs to float on the water. That's where a floating sheerleg comes in.

A floating sheerleg is basically a giant crane that floats on a special kind of boat called a barge. The barge is like a big floating platform that the crane sits on. This allows the crane to move around on the water and lift heavy things that are too big or heavy for normal cranes on land.

The sheerleg part of the name comes from the way the crane is built. Instead of having a long arm like some cranes, a sheerleg has a big upright frame that looks a bit like a giant tripod. This makes it really strong and stable, so it can lift really heavy things without tipping over.

Together, the barge and the sheerleg crane make a mobile and powerful set-up for lifting and moving heavy objects on the water. So if you ever need to move something really big near the water, you might see a floating sheerleg doing the heavy lifting!