ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Flooding algorithm

A flooding algorithm is a way for computers and machines to communicate with each other. It's kind of like when you shout really loud in a room and everyone can hear what you're saying, even if they're far away.

Imagine you're in a big room with a lot of people and you want to tell everyone something important. Instead of going up to each person one by one and telling them individually, you decide to shout it out loud so that everyone can hear you.

That's what a flooding algorithm does. It sends out a message to every machine connected to a network, just like shouting in a room. Every machine that receives the message will then send out the same message to all of the connected machines they know about. This keeps happening until every machine on the network has received the message.

It's like a big game of telephone, where everyone passes the message along until it reaches the end of the line. The message might get repeated a lot of times along the way, but eventually it reaches its destination.

Flooding algorithms are really useful for when you need to send a message to a lot of machines on a network at once. They're also good for when you don't know exactly where the machine you're trying to communicate with is located. By sending the message out to every machine, you're making sure that it reaches its destination no matter where it is.