ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Flora and fauna of Cornwall

Hi kiddo! So, flora and fauna are fancy words to talk about plants and animals, and Cornwall is a beautiful place in the southwestern part of England, right by the coast.

Let's talk about flora first! Cornwall has a lot of different types of plants, but some of the most famous are the flowers. You might recognize daffodils and bluebells. They also have different types of trees, like the oak and beech trees. The coastal areas of Cornwall are surrounded by a lot of beautiful wildflowers like sea thrift and wild garlic.

Now let's talk about fauna! Cornwall has a lot of animals that are unique to the area. You can see puffins near the coast and sometimes even dolphins or whales! Lobsters and crabs are also really popular in Cornwall, and they have a lot of fishing boats that go out into the sea to catch them. There are also a lot of different types of birds, like the skylark and curlew, which make beautiful sounds.

And just to make things a little bit more interesting, there are also a few animals that are a little bit rare but can be found in the area. They have adders, which are venomous snakes, but don't worry; they are very shy and you will hardly ever come across them. There are also badgers, who are nocturnal animals and very difficult to spot, but very cute if you do see them!

Overall, Cornwall has a lot of different types of plants and animals to explore and learn about. So next time you visit, make sure to take a look around and see if you can spot some of these beautiful creatures!