ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


"Fly-by-wire" is a way for airplanes to be controlled without physically touching the steering wheel or pedals. It's like playing a video game, but instead of using a controller, pilots use a computer system.

Instead of controlling the airplane with wires and pulleys like in older planes, fly-by-wire planes rely on computers to read the pilot's inputs and translate them into commands that move hydraulic systems to control the plane's movements. The computer system is designed to help pilots fly more safely and efficiently.

So, when the pilot moves the stick or the pedals, the computer system reads the input and decides what the airplane needs to do next. It might make small adjustments to the wings or engines, or it might make big changes in altitude or speed. The computer system helps the airplane stay stable and on track.

Overall, fly-by-wire technology makes flying safer and easier for pilots, and it helps airplanes stay in the air longer with less fuel. There's a lot of electronics that go into it, but the most important thing to understand is that computers help planes fly better!