ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


The flyboard is a cool, exciting device that lets you fly above the water like a superhero! It works kind of like a big water jet pack.

Basically, the flyboard attaches to a hose that's connected to a special jet ski. The jet ski pumps water through the hose and into the flyboard's boots, which have giant nozzles on the bottom.

When you put the flyboard on, the nozzles shoot water out behind you, propelling you up into the air. It's like having your own personal water rocket!

The flyboard is controlled by your own movements – when you tilt your feet forward, the jets push you up higher, and when you lean back, gravity brings you back down to the water.

It takes some practice to get the hang of it, but once you do, you can perform all kinds of cool tricks and flips. It's like being a superhero flying through the air, but over the water instead of the city!
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