ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Foedus Cassianum

Foedus Cassianum was an agreement between two big groups of people who lived in Italy a long, long time ago. One group was called the Romans and the other group was called the Latins.

Now, these two groups used to fight with each other a lot and they didn't like each other very much. But one day, they decided to stop fighting and they made a deal called the Foedus Cassianum.

This deal said that the two groups would work together and be friends. They promised not to fight each other anymore and they agreed to help each other out in times of trouble.

It was kinda like a friendship bracelet except instead of a bracelet, they made a big important agreement that would last for a very long time.

The Foedus Cassianum was really important because it helped to bring peace to the region and it also helped to strengthen both groups. They were able to work together to build new things and make their communities better.

So, in short, the Foedus Cassianum was a deal that the Romans and the Latins made to stop fighting and be friends so they could work together and make things better for everyone.