ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Foie gras

Foie gras is a fancy French food made from the liver of a duck or goose. The liver is a part of the body that helps animals digest food.

To make foie gras, people first feed the duck or goose a special diet of corn and other foods. They eat this tasty food in large amounts and they don't exercise much, which means they gain a lot of weight.

As a result, their livers get really big and kind of puffy. This is called "fattening" or "gavage" in French.

When the liver is large enough, people take the birds and remove their livers, which are then made into foie gras. People like to eat foie gras because it's very rich, buttery, and has a unique flavor.

However, some people do not like foie gras because they think it's cruel to force-feed the ducks and geese to make their livers so big. So, it's a controversial food that people have different opinions about.