ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so follow-me is when a computer program or a machine follows you around. Do you remember playing a game of "follow the leader" with your friends? Well, this is similar to that, but instead of a person leading, it's a machine following you.

Let me give you an example, have you seen those robots that clean the floors in some stores or at home? They have a sensor that helps them find their way around the furniture and objects on the floor. If you stand in front of it and start moving, the gadget senses your movements and follows you around without bumping into anything. You can try doing that with a vacuum cleaner too, it's kind of fun.

In some apps or software, follow-me is similar. For instance, have you seen a map app on your parent's phone? If you allow the app to "follow" you by activating location settings, it will show you the route to wherever you want to go, and it follows you every step of the way. It's like having a smart friend who never lets you get lost.

Follow-me can also be helpful in some cameras, particularly drones. If you're into photography, you probably know a little about drones, right? A drone is like a small flying machine with a camera attached to it. By using follow-me technology, the drone camera can track your movements on the ground and take pictures or record videos of you from the sky. It's pretty cool.

So, overall, follow-me is when a machine or computer program traces your movements and imitates them. It's like having a shadow or a friend that always stays with you - It's your personal assistant that helps with cleaning, navigating or taking pictures.