Okay kiddo, so you know how people have friends all over the world? Well, countries are kinda like people too, and they need to be friends with other countries too. But sometimes, countries don't always get along and have disagreements.
Taiwan is a country that is located in Asia, and it has its own government and president, just like the United States. But some other countries, especially China, don't like that Taiwan considers itself a separate country from them. This means that Taiwan has to be careful about making friends with other countries since China doesn't want them to.
Taiwan tries to have good relationships with other countries by trading with them and sending ambassadors to their countries to say hello. But China doesn't like that and will even try to stop other countries from being friends with Taiwan. This can be a problem for Taiwan because they want other countries to be their friends and help them out when they need it.
In recent years, Taiwan has been trying to make friends with more countries, and they've even been able to participate in some international organizations. But they still have to be careful because they don't want to anger China, who has a lot of power in the world. So, Taiwan's foreign relations can be a bit complicated, but they're trying their best to make friends and get along with everyone.