ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Milk Tea Alliance

Milk tea alliance is like when you and your friends all like the same thing, like chocolate milk or ice cream, and you all agree to stick together to protect and defend that thing. Only with milk tea alliance, it’s not just about tea with milk in it, but it’s about people from different countries who all like democracy and freedom.

The milk tea alliance started when people from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Thailand all started using the hashtag #MilkTeaAlliance on social media. They were united because they were all trying to protest against their governments, which they felt weren’t giving them enough freedom.

These people were all linked together by their love of milk tea, which is a popular drink in many of those countries. So, even though they were from different places and cultures, they had something in common that brought them together.

Now, the milk tea alliance is a symbol of solidarity between people who want democracy, freedom, and human rights. It’s like when you and your friends hold hands and stick together, even when things get tough. The milk tea alliance is a way for people to stand up for what they believe in and make their voices heard.