ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


"Forty-and-eights" refers to a type of train that was used many years ago to transport soldiers during war. The train wagons were called "boxcars" and they were made of wood and metal. The name "forty-and-eights" comes from the fact that each boxcar could hold either 40 soldiers or 8 horses.

When soldiers were being transported to battle, they were often crammed together in these boxcars, which could be very uncomfortable and even dangerous. The soldiers would usually sit on wooden benches that ran along the sides of the boxcar, or they would stand if there wasn't enough room.

Even though the boxcars were not very comfortable, they were an important way to move large groups of soldiers quickly from one place to another. Today, the term "forty-and-eights" is still used to talk about this type of train and the soldiers who rode in them.