Fougasse is a type of weapon that works by using explosions to hurt or destroy things. Imagine playing with a toy car and a big firecracker. When you light the firecracker and it explodes, it could make a big hole or mess where the toy car used to be.
Fougasse is similar, but it is used for something more serious. It was used a lot during wars a long time ago to hurt or stop the enemy. Fougasse is made of things like gasoline, oil, and sometimes even nails or rocks. When the fougasse is lit, it explodes and sends all those things flying in different directions. This can hurt people, vehicles, or buildings that are nearby.
Fougasse was named after a traditional French bread called "fougasse" because the weapon looks a bit like the bread with holes in it. But even though it might sound cool, it's not a toy and can be very dangerous, so we should leave the fougasse-making to the experts.