ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Foundations of Geopolitics

Geopolitics is the study of how countries use geography (where they are located in the world) to gain power and influence. To understand geopolitics, we need to look at three foundations: geography, history, and international relations, or how different countries interact with each other.

Geography is the first foundation of geopolitics. When looking at geography, we need to consider how a country's location, climate, and resources influence its place in the world. For example, countries closer to important trading routes, like the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, are able to trade goods and resources more easily, giving them more power and influence.

The second foundation of geopolitics is history. History looks at how different countries have interacted with each other over time. This helps us to understand how countries interact today and why they have experienced different levels of development. By looking at the past, we can see how countries have worked together, fought over land, or started wars.

The third foundation of geopolitics is international relations. This is the study of how different countries interact and why. International relations looks at the political and economic relationships between countries, as well as how they negotiate and make agreements. Understanding these relationships can help us better understand the geopolitical landscape.

So when we talk about geopolitics, we need to understand how geography, history, and international relations all influence how countries gain power and influence.