ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Founding Fathers of the United States

The founding fathers of the United States were a group of special people who came up with the ideas that helped create the country we live in today. They were like the grown-up super heroes who saved the country from being ruled by a king a long, long time ago.

Imagine you and your friends want to build a treehouse in your backyard. You each have different ideas on how to make it sturdy, how to decorate it, and how to make it fun. Similarly, the founding fathers had different ideas about how to create a new country that everyone could live in happily.

They worked together to write important documents, like the Declaration of Independence, which stated that everyone has rights and deserves to be free. They also wrote the Constitution, which is like a set of rules to help keep everyone safe, happy, and fair.

The founding fathers were people like George Washington, who became the first president of the United States, and Benjamin Franklin, who was a scientist, writer, and inventor. They were all brilliant, brave, and hardworking. They made many sacrifices to create a better world for us today. We should always remember and appreciate their contribution to our country.