ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Four Kumaras

Imagine there are four magical beings called Kumaras. They are very special because they have always been young, never growing old. They are like four brothers who look almost identical and are very wise.

Long, long ago, the four Kumaras were born from the mind of a powerful god named Brahma. They were very loyal to Brahma and helped him create the first forms of life on Earth. They were also very good teachers and taught many people how to live in peace and harmony.

One day, the four Kumaras decided that they didn't want to get married or have families, because they wanted to keep their minds free to focus on their teachings. This made Brahma very happy, and he gave them special powers to create their own worlds of knowledge and enlightenment.

The four Kumaras continued to teach and spread their wisdom throughout the universe, and many people still follow their teachings to this day. They are a symbol of eternal youth, knowledge, and loyalty.