Framing is like building a big puzzle that makes a house or building. All the pieces are made of strong wood, and they fit together to make the walls, floors, and roof of a house.
The frame of a house starts with a foundation made of concrete. This is like the ground where you play outside. Once the foundation is strong, builders use long pieces of wood called studs to make the walls. The studs are like the skeleton of the walls.
Next, the builders add what are called headers and sills. These are like the top and bottom pieces of the walls. They help keep the walls strong and hold them together.
After the walls are up, builders can add floors in between the walls. They use more strong pieces of wood called joists to make sure the floor is solid and doesn't move. The joists are like the "floor bones" that make sure everything stays in place.
Finally, builders add a roof on top of the walls. They use more strong wood pieces called rafters to make the roof. The rafters are like the "roof bones" that hold everything together.
When all the pieces of the frame are put together, we have a strong and sturdy house or building that can keep us warm and dry!