ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Frappé coffee

Okay, so imagine you have a glass of milk with some ice cubes in it. Now, imagine someone pours some really yummy coffee on top of the milk and ice. That's kind of like a frappé coffee!

But here's the cool part: to make a frappé coffee, you don't just pour regular hot coffee over ice. No way! Instead, you start off by mixing together some instant coffee powder, sugar, and just a tiny bit of warm water. You stir and stir until the mixture becomes really frothy and bubbly, like a bubble bath.

Once your coffee mixture is bubbly and frothy, you pour it over some milk and ice cubes in a blender. Then you blend it all together until it becomes a delicious, creamy, frothy drink.

Frappé coffee is super popular because it's kind of like a fancy coffee milkshake, but not as heavy or indulgent. It's the perfect drink for a hot day when you want something cool and refreshing. So next time you go to a coffee shop, ask if they have frappé coffee and see if you like it!
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