ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Free movement protocol

Imagine that you love to play with your toys, but you live in a room that is very small and crowded. You might want to go to another room to play with your toys or visit your friends who live in different places. But your parents or guardians might say that you cannot leave your room because you might get lost or get hurt.

In the same way, people who live in different countries might face similar difficulties when they want to travel or move to another country. Some countries have rules or laws that say people from other countries cannot come and go freely, just like your parents or guardians might limit your movements.

However, some countries have agreed to follow a set of rules called a free movement protocol. This protocol allows citizens of these countries to travel to and live in other countries without facing many restrictions.

Think of it like a big playground with lots of toys! Just as you can freely move around and play with different toys in the play area, people from countries that follow the free movement protocol can also move and play in different countries without facing many restrictions.

This helps people who want to work, study, or visit friends and family in other countries. It also helps businesses and economies because people can move to where they are needed most without worrying about restrictions.

So, just like you have the freedom to move and play with your toys, people from countries following the free movement protocol have the freedom to move and explore different countries without many barriers.