ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Free the Children

Okay, so you know how there are some kids out there who don't get to play with toys, go to school, or even live with their families? That's not fair, right? It's like they're stuck in a bad situation and can't get out. That's where Free the Children comes in.

Free the Children is a group of people who want to help these kids. They work hard to make sure every child has a chance to live a happy life. They build schools, give food and clean water, and help families find jobs so they can take care of their kids.

It's important to help more kids get free because no one should have to live in a bad situation. When kids have a chance to learn and play, they can grow up to be happy and healthy adults. Free the Children works hard every day to make sure that happens for as many kids as possible.