ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Free, prior and informed consent

Free, prior, and informed consent is a really big phrase that means asking permission from people who might be affected by something important, like building a new highway or starting a mining operation.

It's like when you ask your mom and dad if you can have a cookie before dinner. You have to ask them first, and they have to say it’s okay. But, it's not enough to just ask them, you also need to explain what you are going to do with the cookie and why it's important to you. So, your parents can make an informed decision on whether you should have a cookie or not.

Now, when we talk about free, prior, and informed consent, it means that if someone wants to do something that might affect a large group of people, they have to ask the permission of the people before doing it. People can only give permission if they understand what might happen and why it’s important.

For example, if someone wants to build a big factory in a village, they have to ask the people who live there if it's okay. They can’t just go ahead and build, even if they promise to pay people money or provide jobs. The people have to agree, and they have to understand what might happen if the factory is built, like environmental damages or health problems.

By asking for free, prior, and informed consent, we are making sure that everyone involved knows what's going on and that the decision is fair to everyone. Just like when you ask your parents for a cookie, it's not enough for them to say "yes" or "no". They also need to make sure you understand why the decision was made, to make sure you're happy with the outcome.