ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

French language

The French language is a way to talk and communicate with people who speak French. It's like a secret code that people use in France, Canada, and many other places around the world.

When you speak French, you use special words and sounds that may be different from the ones you use in your own language. For example, instead of saying "hello" like we do in English, you would say "bonjour" in French.

French also has different rules for spelling and pronunciation than English, which can make it tricky to learn at first. But with practice, you can get really good at speaking and understanding it.

In France, school children learn French just like we learn English in the United States. They study grammar, vocabulary, and practice speaking with their teachers and classmates.

Some people who speak French, like bilingual parents or language teachers, might teach it to kids at home or in special classes.

Overall, French is a fun and interesting language to learn, and can help you communicate with people from many different parts of the world!