ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Freshwater prawn farming

Hey there! Do you like eating tasty seafood like shrimp and lobster? Well, freshwater prawn farming is like having your own personal shrimp or lobster farm!

Freshwater prawn farming is when people raise and take care of freshwater prawns in a fish tank, pond or artificial aquatic environment. These prawns live in freshwater and grow up to be really big and delicious!

First, we need to get some baby prawns, which are called “seed”. Seed are usually bought from hatcheries, which are like big fish farms that specialize in raising baby prawns. Once we have our seed, we can put them in their new home.

Just like people have to clean their house, we need to clean the prawn tanks or ponds too. We also need to make sure the water is clean and has the right temperature and chemicals the prawns need to grow healthy and happy.

Now, what do prawns eat? They eat algae, plankton, small insects and even other smaller prawns! But don’t worry, we provide the prawns with balanced food that gives them all the nutrients they need to grow up nice and strong.

As they grow up, we need to check on them to make sure they are healthy and not getting sick. If they do get sick, we can give them medicine, just like when we get sick.

When they are finally big enough, we can harvest them! This means we catch them and get them ready to be sold to people to eat or to be sent to restaurants around the world.

And that, my little friend, is freshwater prawn farming. It’s kind of like having your very own seafood restaurant at home!
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