ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Shrimp farm

A shrimp farm is like a big playground for tiny sea creatures called shrimp. It's a special place where they can grow and play until they get big enough to be eaten.

But how do shrimp get to the farm in the first place? Well, just like how you and your friends go to school on a bus, shrimp are brought to the farm on a big boat. The boat goes out to the ocean where the shrimp are born, and then scoops them up with a special net and brings them back to the farm.

Once the shrimp are on the farm, they get their own special pool to swim around in. These pools are called "ponds" and they're filled with clean water and food that the shrimp eat. The farmers who work at the shrimp farm make sure the water is the right temperature and the right level of saltiness so that the shrimp can grow strong and healthy.

It takes a little while for the shrimp to grow big enough to be eaten, just like it takes time for you to grow taller. But once they are big enough, the farmers catch them and send them to a store where people can buy them and take them home to cook and eat.

So, the shrimp farm is like a big play area for shrimp. They stay there until they are big enough to be eaten, and then they get sent to a store for people to buy and cook them.