ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Gdsii is a special type of computer file that tells fancy machines how to make tiny things on chips. Imagine you are a champion painter and someone tells you to paint a famous portrait on a teeny-tiny canvas that is smaller than a penny! You would need a special set of instructions to follow in order to get all the tiny details just right, right? That's what gdsii does for the machines that make computer chips.

It's like a special language that the machines can understand to help them create tiny designs on the computer chip. The gdsii file is like a recipe book for the machines to follow. It tells them where to put all the little lines and shapes to make things like the CPU or memory of a computer.

Without gdsii, it would be very hard for these machines to make the tiny designs we need to create amazing technology like smartphones and computers. Gdsii makes it possible for us to have all the tiny circuits and chips we need to power our modern technology.