ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Galactic spheroid

Alright, kiddo. Imagine you're looking at a big galaxy, like our Milky Way. It's sort of like a huge petri dish, with billions of stars inside.

Now, on the inside of this dish, the stars are all sort of clustered together in a big bulge in the center. Sort of like the yolk in an egg. This is called the galactic spheroid.

This spheroid is made up of lots of different types of stars, and scientists have been studying it for a long time to try and figure out how it formed and how it behaves. It's sort of a mystery still, but we know that it's an important part of our galaxy, and it helps keep everything together.

So, in summary, the galactic spheroid is a big ball of stars in the middle of a galaxy. It's really interesting to astronomers, and helps make sure the whole galaxy doesn't fall apart.