Gallo-Roman culture is when two groups of people, the Gauls and the Romans, who lived in a place called Gallo-Roman Gaul, mixed their ways of life and cultures together. The Gauls were the people who lived in the area before the Romans arrived, and the Romans were a big powerful empire who took over and ruled the area for a long time.
When the Gauls and Romans mixed their cultures, they created new things like new languages, new buildings, and new ways of living. They even created new foods that were a mix of both of their cultures, like pizza (which was kind of like a Roman flatbread) with a French twist (Gauls had a lot of cheese and other toppings).
The Gallo-Roman people also had their own special way of dressing. They wore clothing that was a mix of Roman and Gaulish styles. They would wear woolen tunics with a leather belt around the waist, and sometimes they would wear a robe or cloak over the tunic.
One of the most famous things about Gallo-Roman culture is their architecture. They built huge structures like amphitheaters, which were like big arenas where people would watch shows and competitions. They also built a lot of temples and public buildings with big, fancy columns and decorations that were inspired by both Roman and Gaulish styles.
Overall, Gallo-Roman culture was a blend of two different ways of life coming together to create something new and unique.