ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Galvanic corrosion

Galvanic corrosion is like when you mix different kinds of metals together and one of them starts to get hurt.

For example, imagine you have a toy car with a metal body and metal wheels. If you leave the car outside on a rainy day and the wheels get wet, the water can make a chemical reaction with the metal wheels. When metal wheels get wet, they start to give away small pieces of themselves (kind of like when you scratch a pencil on a paper) and these small pieces start to form a rust on the wheels.

However, when there are different kinds of metal, like the metal body and metal wheels, it can make the reaction even stronger. One metal can start to steal small pieces from the other metal and it can make it rust even faster. This is called galvanic corrosion.

So, next time you see a toy car or any object made of metal with some rust stains, remember that it might be the result of galvanic corrosion!