ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Game jam

Okay, so a game jam is basically when a bunch of people who like making games get together and try to make a brand new game from scratch, all within a really short amount of time.

Think of it like a race, but instead of running or biking, people are trying to create a game as fast as they can. They have to come up with an idea, design the game, make all the graphics and sounds and code it so that it actually works.

Usually, game jams only last for a day or two or maybe a weekend, so this means the people who participate have to work really fast and try to come up with something fun and playable in a short amount of time.

Sometimes there are themes or restrictions for the game jam, like maybe they have to make a game that involves a certain animal or everyone has to use a certain kind of code or something like that.

At the end of the game jam, all the participants get to show off what they made and then they can play each other's games and see what everyone else came up with. It's a fun way for people who like games to work together and be creative!