ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Game of chance

A game of chance is like playing a game where you're not sure whether you'll win or lose. Imagine playing a game where you have to roll a dice, and if you roll a certain number, you'll win a prize. Since you don't know which number the dice will land on, it's a game of chance.

Sometimes people play games of chance with cards, slot machines, or even random numbers on a computer. In these games, you don't know for sure if you'll win or lose. It's all about luck and chance!

Just like when you play with your toys, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. But in a game of chance, sometimes you might have a better chance of winning if you know how the game works - kind of like if you practice and become really good at throwing a ball into a hoop.

But remember, it's important to play games of chance responsibly and not get too upset if you don't win. It's just a game!