ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so Gauls are people who used to live a long, long time ago in a place called Gaul. Gaul used to be a big area that's now the country of France and some other nearby places. Gauls had their own language and their own way of doing things that was different from the other people who were around at the time.

The Gauls were really good at making things out of metal, like swords and armor. They also liked to fight, but they didn't fight like we do today in a nice, fair way. They would often use surprise attacks and tricky strategies to win battles.

One famous Gaul was a man named Vercingetorix. He was a very brave leader who helped his people fight against the Romans, who wanted to take over Gaul. The Gauls and the Romans had a big battle at a place called Alesia. It was a really tough battle, but eventually the Romans won and Vercingetorix was captured.

Even though the Romans took over Gaul, the Gauls continued to have their own culture and traditions. Today, people in France still remember and celebrate the Gauls and their history.