ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gender roles in Afghanistan

Gender roles in Afghanistan are rules that different cultures use to say how women and men should act. In Afghanistan, it's believed that boys and girls should grow up to be very different kinds of people. Boys are taught to be tough and strong, while girls are taught to be obedient and quiet. This means that boys are often allowed to do things like play sports or wear pants, while girls are not.

When they grow up, it's expected that men will have jobs and support their families. Women, on the other hand, are often expected to stay at home and take care of their children and their husbands. They may not be allowed to go to school or work outside of the home.

Although there have been some changes over time, these gender roles are still very important in Afghanistan. For example, while many women have become teachers, doctors, and businesswomen, they must still dress modestly and behave respectfully. Men are expected to be in charge at work and at home, making major decisions and enforcing rules.

It's important to remember that different cultures have different beliefs about gender roles. While some people in Afghanistan may be happy with these roles, others may feel like they don't get to make their own choices or live the lives they want. It's important for everyone to remember that everyone should be allowed to choose their own path in life, no matter what their gender is.