ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gene desert

Okay kiddo, so genes are like tiny instructions inside our bodies that tell our bodies what to do. But sometimes, in between these instructions, there are long stretches of DNA that don't actually code for any genes. These stretches are called "gene deserts".

Imagine a big city with lots of buildings, roads, and parks. The buildings are like genes, and the roads are like the non-coding DNA. Sometimes there are big spaces in the city with no buildings, just empty fields or parks. Gene deserts are like those empty spaces. They're just stretches of DNA that don't have any genes in them.

Scientists used to think that gene deserts were useless, like empty parking lots. But now they know that these stretches of DNA actually play an important role in regulating the activity of nearby genes. It's kind of like having a big open field next to a playground - it gives the kids more room to play and run around. Gene deserts give the genes more space to do their job.

So, while gene deserts may not have any genes inside them, they are still important parts of our DNA that help our bodies work properly.