ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

General Motors Hy-wire

Okay kiddo, so General Motors made a car called the Hy-wire that is very special because it doesn't use gas like most cars. Instead, it uses something called hydrogen to power it. Hydrogen is a gas that can be found in things like water and it is very clean because when it's used to power a car, it doesn't produce any bad gases that can harm the environment.

But do you know what's even cooler about the Hy-wire? It doesn't have an engine like regular cars do! Instead, it has something called a fuel cell that works like a big battery to power the car. When the hydrogen goes into the fuel cell, it combines with air and makes electricity that can be used to make the car go.

The best part is that the Hy-wire is also very easy to drive because it has a joystick instead of a steering wheel and pedals. It's like playing a video game! Plus, it has lots of cool features like cameras and sensors that help you drive safely.

So in summary, the General Motors Hy-wire is a special car that uses hydrogen instead of gas to power it. It also doesn't have an engine, but uses a fuel cell battery instead. It's easy to drive with a joystick and has lots of cool features to keep you safe on the road.