ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Generative semantics

Okay, so you know when you use words to say something, right? Like saying "I want a cookie." Generative semantics is like figuring out how different words make different meanings and how to put them together to make sentences.

Let's pretend you have a big toy box with lots of different toys in it, like blocks, dolls, cars, and balls. Generative semantics is like having a bunch of words in your brain that you can put together in different ways to make sentences, just like picking out different toys from your toy box to make different things with.

For example, if you put the words "the dog chased the cat" together, it makes a sentence that means a dog ran after a cat. But if you switch the words around to say "the cat chased the dog," it means something completely different! Generative semantics helps us understand how these different words and word orders can change the meaning of sentences.

So, generative semantics is kind of like playing with words in your brain, just like how you play with different toys to make different things. Cool, huh?