ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Genesis 19

Genesis 19 is a story in the Bible about two cities called Sodom and Gomorrah. The people who lived in these cities were doing some very bad things like stealing and hurting other people. There was a man named Lot who lived in Sodom with his family.

One day, two angels came to visit Lot in Sodom. The people in Sodom found out that there were visitors in Lot's house, and they wanted to hurt them. But Lot protected the angels and brought them into his house.

That night, some of the townspeople came to Lot's house and demanded that he give them the visitors so they could hurt them. But Lot didn't want to let them. So the angels did a magic trick and made the people outside Lot's house go blind. They couldn't see anything!

The next morning, the angels told Lot and his family to leave Sodom because God was going to destroy the city because of all the bad things the people were doing. God sent a big storm of fire and brimstone and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

Lot and his family were able to escape, but Lot's wife looked back at the burning city and turned into a pillar of salt. So they kept moving and found a new place to live.