ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Genesis 21

Okay kiddo, so in Genesis 21, Sarah had a baby named Isaac. But why is that a big deal? Well, you see, Sarah and her husband Abraham were old and couldn't have a baby for a really long time. They even thought they might never have a baby! But then God promised them that they would have a son, and that's exactly what happened.

Isaac was a miracle baby, and he was very special to Abraham and Sarah. They were so happy to have him and even threw a big party to celebrate! However, there was some drama because Sarah also had another son named Ishmael before Isaac. Ishmael's mom was named Hagar, and she was a servant in Abraham's household.

When Sarah finally had her own baby, she didn't want Ishmael around anymore. This made Abraham sad because he loved Ishmael too. But God told Abraham that everything would be okay, and that Ishmael would also be blessed. So, Abraham sent Hagar and Ishmael away but they were taken care of by God in the end.

So, the big takeaway from Genesis 21 is that miracles can happen, and even though things might seem tough, you just have to trust in God to guide you through it all. And always remember the importance of love and family.