ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Genetic relationship (linguistics)

Genetic relationship in linguistics is just like how we inherit traits from our parents.

Imagine you and your best friend both have blue eyes. This means that you both have something in common genetically that you got from your parents. Now, think about how people in different countries speak languages that may sound very different from our own language.

Linguists study the similarities and differences between languages to figure out if they have a genetic relationship – if they are related, like you and your friend having the same blue eyes. Just like how traits are passed down from one generation to another, languages can also have a common ancestor that they all come from.

For example, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian all sound similar and share a lot of words because they come from the same ancestor language, Latin. It’s like how you and your cousins may all have a similar trait, like curly hair, because you share the same grandparents.

So, in short, genetic relationship in linguistics means how languages are related to each other, like how you and your friends may have something in common because you inherited it from your parents.