ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Genetically modified virus

Okay, so you know how sometimes when we get sick, we need medicine to help us feel better? Well, scientists can make special kinds of medicine called vaccines that can help us not get sick in the first place. Vaccines are like superheroes that help our body fight off bad germs.

Sometimes, scientists can make vaccines by changing some things in a virus (you know, those things that make us sick). They might change the virus so that it can't make us really sick, but it can still help our body learn how to fight it off. This is kind of like giving our body a practice test so it can get good at fighting the real virus.

That's what a genetically modified virus is - it's a virus that scientists have changed to be less harmful to us, but still helpful in training our body to fight it off. It's kind of like taking a scary monster and turning it into a friendly monster that helps us instead of hurts us.